Waterways of China



Where waterways began, in China and the world, across the plains and low watersheds from the Yangtze to the Yellow River and Beijing; overview map by Xingming Zhong, showing the heritage (original route of the Grand Canal) and the current situation, with the Grand Canal rehabilitated and enlarged north almost to the Yellow River, while north to Beijing only isolated lengths and structures are intact. For immediate download.


High-quality vector pdf map showing where waterways began, in China and the world, across the plains and low watersheds from the Yangtze to the Yellow River and Beijing; research by canal historian and industrial archeologist Xingming Zhong resulted in production of this valuable preview of the Grand Canal and connecting waterways. This network will be brought to the attention of specialists worldwide during the World Canals Conference in Yangzhou, September 2012.

This map (edition 2011-04) is only a start. With ongoing work by IWI members Xingming Zhong, Eckhard Schinkel and David Wadham, it will be built up into a more comprehensive view of inland navigations and their remarkably diverse locks and lifts, throughout the People’s Republic of China.

This initial view shows the original route of the Grand Canal, and the current situation, with the Grand Canal rehabilitated and enlarged north almost to the Yellow River, while north to Beijing only isolated lengths and structures are intact. Lock names are given in English and Chinese.

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